Carinthia Driving Distance Calculator

Road Mileage Chart of Carinthia

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Air Mileage Chart of Carinthia

Distance (kilometers)
Innere Stadt
Spittal an der Drau
Sankt Veit an der Glan
St. Martin
Feldkirchen in Kärnten
Velden am Wörther See
Klagenfurt 0 35 47 65 2 17 4 2 6 25 64 20 20 72
Innere Stadt 0 35 47 65 2 16 5 2 6 25 64 19 20 72
Villach 35 35 80 34 36 42 32 33 32 60 34 22 15 37
Wolfsberg 47 47 80 103 46 38 52 49 49 26 101 58 66 115
Spittal an der Drau 65 65 34 103 65 66 63 63 60 88 3 46 47 21
Annabichl 2 2 36 46 65 15 6 3 5 24 64 19 21 72
Sankt Veit an der Glan 17 16 42 38 66 15 21 17 14 24 64 21 29 77
Viktring 4 5 32 52 63 6 21 4 8 29 63 20 17 69
St. Martin 2 2 33 49 63 3 17 4 5 27 62 18 18 70
Wölfnitz 6 6 32 49 60 5 14 8 5 29 59 14 17 68
Völkermarkt 25 25 60 26 88 24 24 29 27 29 87 42 45 97
Seeboden 64 64 34 101 3 64 64 63 62 59 87 45 46 24
Feldkirchen in Kärnten 20 19 22 58 46 19 21 20 18 14 42 45 13 56
Velden am Wörther See 20 20 15 66 47 21 29 17 18 17 45 46 13 52
Hermagor 72 72 37 115 21 72 77 69 70 68 97 24 56 52

Map of Carinthia with Flight Distances

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