Tasmania Driving Distance Calculator

Road Mileage Chart of Tasmania

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Air Mileage Chart of Tasmania

Distance (kilometers)
Sandy Bay
Blackmans Bay
New Town
Hobart 162 235 206 21 2 7 10 7 12 14 167 164 214 3
Launceston 162 111 71 141 163 156 172 163 151 175 5 4 86 159
Burnie 235 111 41 214 236 228 243 239 223 246 109 108 25 232
Devonport 206 71 41 184 207 199 214 209 194 218 68 67 16 202
Brighton 21 141 214 184 23 15 31 25 10 35 146 143 193 18
Sandy Bay 2 163 236 207 23 8 9 7 13 12 169 166 216 5
Glenorchy 7 156 228 199 15 8 16 13 5 20 161 158 207 4
Kingston 10 172 243 214 31 9 16 13 21 3 177 174 223 13
Howrah 7 163 239 209 25 7 13 13 17 15 169 166 218 9
Claremont 12 151 223 194 10 13 5 21 17 25 156 153 202 9
Blackmans Bay 14 175 246 218 35 12 20 3 15 25 180 178 226 16
Newnham 167 5 109 68 146 169 161 177 169 156 180 3 84 164
Riverside 164 4 108 67 143 166 158 174 166 153 178 3 83 161
Ulverstone 214 86 25 16 193 216 207 223 218 202 226 84 83 211
New Town 3 159 232 202 18 5 4 13 9 9 16 164 161 211

Map of Tasmania with Flight Distances

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