Chile Driving Distance Calculator

Road Mileage Chart of Chile

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Air Mileage Chart of Chile

Distance (kilometers)
Puente Alto
Viña del Mar
San Bernardo
Puerto Montt
Santiago 20 1,089 96 100 428 18 615 1,472 436 82 240 1,664 393 916
Puente Alto 20 1,108 112 116 415 12 598 1,491 423 64 225 1,683 413 899
Antofagasta 1,089 1,108 1,049 1,052 1,477 1,107 1,691 383 1,488 1,171 1,316 575 708 1,997
Viña del Mar 96 112 1,049 7 434 101 642 1,432 444 148 267 1,623 342 948
Valparaíso 100 116 1,052 7 430 105 639 1,435 440 149 265 1,625 345 944
Talcahuano 428 415 1,477 434 430 411 230 1,858 14 355 194 2,047 770 529
San Bernardo 18 12 1,107 101 105 411 597 1,489 418 64 222 1,681 409 898
Temuco 615 598 1,691 642 639 230 597 2,073 216 534 377 2,264 984 306
Iquique 1,472 1,491 383 1,432 1,435 1,858 1,489 2,073 1,869 1,553 1,698 194 1,090 2,379
Concepción 436 423 1,488 444 440 14 418 216 1,869 362 200 2,058 781 517
Rancagua 82 64 1,171 148 149 355 64 534 1,553 362 163 1,746 472 835
Talca 240 225 1,316 267 265 194 222 377 1,698 200 163 1,890 610 682
Arica 1,664 1,683 575 1,623 1,625 2,047 1,681 2,264 194 2,058 1,746 1,890 1,280 2,570
Coquimbo 393 413 708 342 345 770 409 984 1,090 781 472 610 1,280 1,289
Puerto Montt 916 899 1,997 948 944 529 898 306 2,379 517 835 682 2,570 1,289

Map of Chile with Flight Distances

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Mileage charts of regions in the Chile