Cauca Driving Distance Calculator

Road Mileage Chart of Cauca

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Air Mileage Chart of Cauca

Distance (kilometers)
Puerto Tejada
Santander de Quilichao
Santa Rosa
El Bordo
Popayán 90 24 64 74 35 90 81 78 65 82 74 56 13 32
Puerto Tejada 90 67 26 82 58 19 159 166 154 171 142 139 102 69
Piendamó 24 67 41 62 17 67 101 102 88 104 90 77 36 17
Santander de Quilichao 64 26 41 70 32 31 135 141 128 145 119 114 76 46
Belalcázar 74 82 62 70 74 67 154 143 127 124 149 127 86 45
Morales 35 58 17 32 74 62 103 109 97 117 89 82 45 32
Corinto 90 19 67 31 67 62 165 168 155 167 150 143 103 64
Balboa 81 159 101 135 154 103 165 36 43 81 24 27 69 113
Bolívar 78 166 102 141 143 109 168 36 15 46 56 31 65 108
Almaguer 65 154 88 128 127 97 155 43 15 39 58 26 52 94
Santa Rosa 82 171 104 145 124 117 167 81 46 39 97 65 73 103
Argelia 74 142 90 119 149 89 150 24 56 58 97 33 64 105
El Bordo 56 139 77 114 127 82 143 27 31 26 65 33 43 87
Timbío 13 102 36 76 86 45 103 69 65 52 73 64 43 44
Silvia 32 69 17 46 45 32 64 113 108 94 103 105 87 44

Map of Cauca with Flight Distances

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