Lower Saxony Driving Distance Calculator

Road Mileage Chart of Lower Saxony

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Air Mileage Chart of Lower Saxony

Distance (kilometers)
Bremen 147 103 55 129 147 188 100 152 40 151 69 12 108 99
Brunswick 147 169 193 41 17 91 55 25 184 25 215 155 110 50
Osnabrück 103 169 147 130 158 153 115 187 98 186 140 95 193 143
Bremerhaven 55 193 147 181 196 242 152 194 52 193 32 56 125 144
Hildesheim 129 41 130 181 28 69 29 64 161 64 197 134 126 53
Salzgitter 147 17 158 196 28 75 49 42 182 42 215 154 122 56
Gotinga 188 91 153 242 69 75 95 115 214 115 254 191 194 122
Hanover 100 55 115 152 29 49 95 71 133 71 169 106 107 36
Wolfsburgo 152 25 187 194 64 42 115 71 191 1 218 161 96 53
Oldemburgo 40 184 98 52 161 182 214 133 191 190 44 29 147 138
Stadtmitte 151 25 186 193 64 42 115 71 1 190 217 161 95 52
Wilhelmshaven 69 215 140 32 197 215 254 169 218 44 217 64 156 166
Delmenhorst 12 155 95 56 134 154 191 106 161 29 161 64 121 108
Lüneburg 108 110 193 125 126 122 194 107 96 147 95 156 121 73
Celle 99 50 143 144 53 56 122 36 53 138 52 166 108 73

Map of Lower Saxony with Flight Distances

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