Corsica Driving Distance Calculator

Road Mileage Chart of Corsica

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Air Mileage Chart of Corsica

Distance (kilometers)
Ajaccio 105 54 58 88 106 50 49 100 33 42 37 56 35 59
Bastia 105 51 125 23 3 62 71 6 121 76 131 77 75 66
Corte 54 51 80 34 53 17 28 47 71 36 81 38 30 30
Porto-Vecchio 58 125 80 102 127 65 54 122 29 92 33 48 81 59
Arena 88 23 34 102 26 41 49 22 100 66 110 54 62 44
Canale 106 3 53 127 26 64 74 7 123 76 133 80 76 69
Vezzani 50 62 17 65 41 64 12 58 60 46 70 22 37 14
Lugo-di-Nazza 49 71 28 54 49 74 12 69 52 55 62 11 45 9
Barbaggio 100 6 47 122 22 7 58 69 118 70 127 75 69 64
Viggianello 33 121 71 29 100 123 60 52 118 72 10 53 63 61
Serriera 42 76 36 92 66 76 46 55 70 72 78 66 11 61
Grossa 37 131 81 33 110 133 70 62 127 10 78 63 70 71
Ghisonaccia 56 77 38 48 54 80 22 11 75 53 66 63 55 11
Marignana 35 75 30 81 62 76 37 45 69 63 11 70 55 51
Aghione 59 66 30 59 44 69 14 9 64 61 61 71 11 51

Map of Corsica with Flight Distances

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