Italy Driving Distance Calculator

Road Mileage Chart of Italy

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Air Mileage Chart of Italy

Distance (kilometers)
Regio de Calabria
Milan 126 888 120 250 1,012 786 965 141 209 357 81 232 977 164
Turin 126 906 123 318 1,044 864 1,005 262 330 480 205 301 1,018 260
Palermo 888 906 791 654 167 450 193 838 821 839 866 669 200 754
Genoa 120 123 791 199 925 743 885 199 257 404 162 182 897 160
Florence 250 318 654 199 768 546 717 187 189 289 213 18 730 101
Catania 1,012 1,044 167 925 768 431 87 946 919 913 981 785 83 868
Bari 786 864 450 743 546 431 345 675 624 562 727 563 352 622
Mesina 965 1,005 193 885 717 87 345 890 858 842 928 735 13 815
Vérone 141 262 838 199 187 946 675 890 69 218 61 173 902 88
Padua 209 330 821 257 189 919 624 858 69 150 130 181 870 113
Triest 357 480 839 404 289 913 562 842 218 150 277 289 853 250
Brescia 81 205 866 162 213 981 727 928 61 130 277 197 941 114
Prato 232 301 669 182 18 785 563 735 173 181 289 197 747 86
Regio de Calabria 977 1,018 200 897 730 83 352 13 902 870 853 941 747 827
Módena 164 260 754 160 101 868 622 815 88 113 250 114 86 827

Map of Italy with Flight Distances

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Mileage charts of regions in the Italy