Arequipa Driving Distance Calculator

Road Mileage Chart of Arequipa

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Air Mileage Chart of Arequipa

Distance (kilometers)
Selva Alegre
Cono Norte
Jacobo Hunter
El Pedregal
Arequipa 87 3 10 6 70 128 99 127 88 55 296 171 87 137
camana 87 89 92 81 77 87 157 172 157 112 271 191 161 206
Selva Alegre 3 89 10 8 72 130 98 126 86 54 297 171 85 135
Cono Norte 10 92 10 15 65 125 88 117 78 45 289 161 77 127
Jacobo Hunter 6 81 8 15 69 125 103 130 93 58 295 173 92 142
El Pedregal 70 77 72 65 69 63 85 96 92 49 227 118 100 138
Camaná 128 87 130 125 125 63 136 133 149 110 184 125 159 189
cabanaconde 99 157 98 88 103 85 136 34 23 47 244 92 36 53
Chachas 127 172 126 117 130 96 133 34 56 73 216 60 68 64
Maca 88 157 86 78 93 92 149 23 56 45 266 115 13 50
Huanca 55 112 54 45 58 49 110 47 73 45 254 118 52 95
Chala 296 271 297 289 295 227 184 244 216 266 254 157 280 276
Salamanca 171 191 171 161 173 118 125 92 60 115 118 157 128 119
Coporaque 87 161 85 77 92 100 159 36 68 13 52 280 128 51
Caylloma 137 206 135 127 142 138 189 53 64 50 95 276 119 51

Map of Arequipa with Flight Distances

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