Isparta Driving Distance Calculator

Road Mileage Chart of Isparta

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Air Mileage Chart of Isparta

Distance (kilometers)
Anamas Çayır Yaylası
Yukarı İleği
Isparta 80 79 28 37 58 6 32 36 54 21 49 30 77 56
Yalvaç 80 29 56 59 53 78 55 69 71 70 33 87 9 25
Şarkîkaraağaç 79 29 51 72 31 79 48 80 50 76 45 95 37 31
Eğirdir 28 56 51 37 33 28 5 42 36 31 30 49 54 31
Senirkent 37 59 72 37 66 32 42 9 73 17 27 28 52 41
Anamas Çayır Yaylası 58 53 31 33 66 60 28 73 19 63 47 81 56 37
Çünür 6 78 79 28 32 60 32 30 58 16 46 25 74 54
Göktaş 32 55 48 5 42 28 32 47 31 36 32 53 54 31
Uluborlu 36 69 80 42 9 73 30 47 78 15 36 20 61 50
Yanık 54 71 50 36 73 19 58 31 78 66 60 82 74 53
Gönen 21 70 76 31 17 63 16 36 15 66 36 19 64 48
Kemer 49 33 45 30 27 47 46 32 36 60 36 53 28 14
Keçiborlu 30 87 95 49 28 81 25 53 20 82 19 53 80 66
Yukarı İleği 77 9 37 54 52 56 74 54 61 74 64 28 80 23
Gelendost 56 25 31 31 41 37 54 31 50 53 48 14 66 23

Map of Isparta with Flight Distances

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