Distance between Ravenshoe and Denham

The distance from Ravenshoe to Denham is 5,597 kilometers by road. Road takes approximately 94 hours and 53 minutes and goes through Mount Isa, Mount Garnet, Mount Surprise, Georgetown, Croydon, Cloncurry and Elliott.

Shortest distance by air 3,417 km ✈️
Car route length 5,597 km 🚗
Driving time 94 h 53 min
Fuel amount 447.8 L
Fuel cost 729.8 AUD
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Point Distance Time Fuel
Ravenshoe 0 km 0:00 00 min 0.0 L
1 43 km, 32 min
Mount Garnet 43 km 0:32 32 min 2.9 L
1 103 km, 1 h 10 min
Mount Surprise 146 km 1:42 1 h 42 min 9.1 L
1 115 km, 1 h 50 min
Georgetown 261 km 3:33 3 h 33 min 20.3 L
1 148 km, 3 h 08 min
Croydon 409 km 6:41 6 h 41 min 32.4 L
1 83 523 km, 8 h 56 min
Cloncurry 932 km 15:38 15 h 38 min 74.0 L
83 113 km, 1 h 36 min
Mount Isa 1,045 km 17:14 17 h 14 min 82.7 L
A2 66 867 km, 12 h 11 min
Elliott 1,912 km 29:25 29 h 25 min 152.6 L
87 1 420 km, 4 h 46 min
Katherine 2,332 km 34:12 34 h 12 min 186.4 L
1 3,265 km, 60 h 40 min
Denham 5,597 km 94:53 94 h 53 min 443.6 L
Point Distance Time Fuel
Ravenshoe 0 km 0:00 00 min 0.0 L
1 43 km, 32 min
Mount Garnet 43 km 0:32 32 min 2.9 L
1 103 km, 1 h 10 min
Mount Surprise 146 km 1:42 1 h 42 min 9.1 L
1 115 km, 1 h 50 min
Georgetown 261 km 3:33 3 h 33 min 20.3 L
1 148 km, 3 h 08 min
Croydon 409 km 6:41 6 h 41 min 32.4 L
1 233 km, 2 h 47 min
Stokes 642 km 9:29 9 h 29 min 48.9 L
83 247 km, 5 h 39 min
Quamby 889 km 15:08 15 h 08 min 70.8 L
83 43 km, 29 min
Cloncurry 932 km 15:38 15 h 38 min 74.0 L
83 66 km, 54 min
Mary Kathleen 998 km 16:33 16 h 33 min 79.1 L
83 47 km, 41 min
Mount Isa 1,045 km 17:14 17 h 14 min 82.7 L
A2 192 km, 4 h 28 min
Camooweal 1,238 km 21:42 21 h 42 min 98.9 L
A2 66 69 km, 46 min
Avon Downs 1,306 km 22:29 22 h 29 min 104.4 L
66 191 km, 2 h 07 min
Barkly Homestead 1,497 km 24:36 24 h 36 min 119.7 L
66 87 415 km, 4 h 48 min
Elliott 1,912 km 29:25 29 h 25 min 152.6 L
87 239 km, 2 h 43 min
Larrimah 2,151 km 32:09 32 h 09 min 172.0 L
1 75 km, 50 min
Mataranka 2,226 km 32:59 32 h 59 min 177.9 L
1 106 km, 1 h 12 min
Katherine 2,332 km 34:12 34 h 12 min 186.4 L
1 284 km, 3 h 53 min
Timber Creek 2,616 km 38:05 38 h 05 min 209.1 L
1 47 km, 31 min
Bulla 2,663 km 38:37 38 h 37 min 212.0 L
1 146 km, 1 h 38 min
Ngunulum 2,808 km 40:15 40 h 15 min 224.1 L
1 19 km, 12 min
Gulgagulganeng 2,827 km 40:28 40 h 28 min 225.2 L
1 17 km, 13 min
Kununurra 2,844 km 40:41 40 h 41 min 227.5 L
1 197 km, 2 h 12 min
Warmun 3,041 km 42:54 42 h 54 min 243.1 L
1 161 km, 2 h 13 min
Halls Creek 3,202 km 45:07 45 h 07 min 256.0 L
1 20 km, 13 min
Koongie Park (Lamboo Gunian) 3,222 km 45:21 45 h 21 min 257.5 L
1 289 km, 7 h 30 min
Fitzroy Crossing 3,511 km 52:51 52 h 51 min 279.1 L
1 291 km, 4 h 10 min
Bidan 3,803 km 57:02 57 h 02 min 302.0 L
1 620 km, 7 h 01 min
Wedgefield 4,423 km 64:03 64 h 03 min 353.5 L
1 176 km, 2 h 01 min
Mingullatharndo 4,599 km 66:04 66 h 04 min 367.6 L
1 11 km, 08 min
Roebourne 4,610 km 66:13 66 h 13 min 368.3 L
1 987 km, 28 h 39 min
Denham 5,597 km 94:52 94 h 52 min 443.6 L

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does it cost to drive from Ravenshoe to Denham?

Fuel cost: 729.8 AUD

This fuel cost is calculated as: (Route length 5,597 km / 100 km) * (Fuel consumption 8 L/100 km) * (Fuel price 1.63 AUD / L)

You can adjust fuel consumption and fuel price here.

How long is a car ride from Ravenshoe to Denham?

Driving time: 94 h 53 min

This time is calculated for driving at the maximum permitted speed, taking into account traffic rules restrictions.

  • 4,598 km with a maximum speed 90 km/h = 51 h 5 min
  • 135 km with a maximum speed 80 km/h = 1 h 41 min
  • 7 km with a maximum speed 70 km/h = 5 min
  • 25 km with a maximum speed 60 km/h = 24 min
  • 832 km with a maximum speed 20 km/h = 41 h 35 min

The calculated driving time does not take into account intermediate stops and traffic jams.

How far is Ravenshoe to Denham by land?

The distance between Ravenshoe and Denham is 5,597 km by road.

Precise satellite coordinates of highways were used for this calculation. The start and finish points are the centers of Ravenshoe and Denham respectively.

How far is Ravenshoe to Denham by plane?

The shortest distance (air line, as the crow flies) between Ravenshoe and Denham is 3,417 km.

This distance is calculated using the Haversine formula as a great-circle distance between two points on the surface of a sphere. The start and finish points are the centers of Ravenshoe and Denham respectively. Actual distance between airports may be different.

How many hours is Ravenshoe from Denham by plane?

Boeing 737 airliner needs 4 h 16 min to cover the distance of 3,417 km at a cruising speed of 800 km/h.

Small plane "Cessna 172" needs 15 h 31 min to flight this distance at average speed of 220 km/h.

This time is approximate and do not take into account takeoff and landing times, airport location and other real world factors.

How long is a helicopter ride from Ravenshoe to Denham?

Fast helicopter "Eurocopter AS350" or "Hughes OH-6 Cayuse" need 14 h 14 min to cover the distance of 3,417 km at a cruising speed of 240 km/h.

Popular "Robinson R44" needs 16 h 16 min to flight this distance at average speed of 210 km/h.

This time is approximate and do not take into account takeoff and landing times, aerodrome location and other real world factors.

What city is halfway between Ravenshoe and Denham?

The halfway point between Ravenshoe and Denham is Ngunulum. It is located about 10 km from the exact midpoint by road.

The distance from Ngunulum to Ravenshoe is 2,808 km and driving will take about 40 h 15 min. The road between Ngunulum and Denham has length 2,789 km and will take approximately 54 h 37 min.

The other cities located close to halfway point:

Where is Ravenshoe in relation to Denham?

Ravenshoe is located 3,417 km east of Denham.

Ravenshoe has geographic coordinates: latitude -17.60794, longitude 145.48194.

Denham has geographic coordinates: latitude -25.9281, longitude 113.53722.

Which highway goes from Ravenshoe to Denham?

The route from Ravenshoe to Denham follows 1, 66, 83, 87, A2.

Other minor sections pass along the road:

  • 84: 1 km
The distance between Ravenshoe and Denham is ranked 671st in the ranking popularity.
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