Map of Consultorio Medico Quintanilla

Here is the location map of Consultorio Medico Quintanilla.

Where is located Consultorio Medico Quintanilla?

Hospital is located in Tortuguitas, Partido de Malvinas Argentinas, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Consultorio Medico Quintanilla is located 6 km from Universidad Nacional de José Clemante Paz and 18 km from El Galeón de Oro. The nearest lake laguito 1 is 6 km away. The nearest beach Playa de rellenos urbanos is 27 km away. The nearest museum Museo de Garín is 6 km away. The nearest park Reserva Ecológica Vicente López is 25 km away. The nearest castle Chateau d'Ivry is 2 km away. The nearest city Artigas is 501 km away.

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