Map of Hospital Cemil

Here is the location map of Hospital Cemil.

Where is located Hospital Cemil?

Hospital is located in Umuarama, Umuarama, Microrregião Umuarama, Mesorregião Noroeste Paranaense, Paraná, South Region, Brazil. Hospital Cemil is located 2 km from UEM - Unversidade Estadual de Maringá and 102 km from Centro Náutico Recreativo. The nearest lake Lago Tucuruvi is 2 km away. The nearest beach Praia da Amizade is 77 km away. The nearest museum Espaço CUltural Arlindo Paludo is 115 km away. The nearest park Refúgio Binacional de Mbaracaju is 105 km away. The nearest castle Castelletto Dal Pozzo is 179 km away. The nearest city Umuarama is 1 km away.

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