Map of Hospital Monoclínico de Geriatría Miguel Lanus

Here is the location map of Hospital Monoclínico de Geriatría Miguel Lanus.

Where is located Hospital Monoclínico de Geriatría Miguel Lanus?

Hospital is located in Miguel Lanús, Miguel Lanús, Municipio de Posadas, Departamento Capital, Misiones. Hospital Monoclínico de Geriatría Miguel Lanus is located 0 km from Facultad de Ciencias Económicas - UNaM and 4 km from El Paraíso de Ester. The nearest lake Laguna Yberá is 110 km away. The nearest beach Balneario Miguel Lanús is 2 km away. The nearest museum Museo Juan Yaparí is 8 km away. The nearest park Parque Nacional Ñacunday is 194 km away. The nearest castle Castelo Bonotto is 176 km away. The nearest city Santo Antônio das Missões is 136 km away.

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