Map of Hospital Psiquiátrico Dr. Philippe Pinel

Here is the location map of Hospital Psiquiátrico Dr. Philippe Pinel.

Where is located Hospital Psiquiátrico Dr. Philippe Pinel?

Hospital is located in Putaendo, Provincia de San Felipe de Aconcagua, Región de Valparaíso, Chile. Hospital Psiquiátrico Dr. Philippe Pinel is located 14 km from Universidad de Valparaiso and 28 km from Camping El Sauce. The nearest lake lago artificial anfiteatro los andes is 26 km away. The nearest beach Playa La Laguna is 69 km away. The nearest museum Museo Histórico del Centro Cultural Presidente Pedro Aguirre Cerda is 29 km away. The nearest park Parque Andino Juncal is 68 km away. The nearest castle Castillo Wolff is 93 km away. The nearest city Tabajara Brites is 1,329 km away.

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