Map of Inca Manco Capac International Airport

Here is the location map of Inca Manco Capac International Airport.

Where is located Inca Manco Capac International Airport?

Airport is located in Juliaca, San Román, Puno, Peru. Inca Manco Capac International Airport is located 2 km from UNAJ - Facultad de Energías Renovables and 165 km from Base Camp Chachani. The nearest lake Lago Umayo is 31 km away. The nearest beach Chifron is 41 km away. The nearest museum Museo Municipal is 4 km away. The nearest park Reserva Nacional Salinas y Aguada Blanca is 134 km away. The nearest castle Castillo de Mollendo is 263 km away. The nearest city Xapuri is 565 km away.

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