Map of Parque Natural Municipal João José Theodoro da Costa Neto

Here is the location map of Parque Natural Municipal João José Theodoro da Costa Neto.

Where is located Parque Natural Municipal João José Theodoro da Costa Neto?

Park is located in Santa Catarina, South Region, Brazil. Parque Natural Municipal João José Theodoro da Costa Neto is located 2 km from IFSC and 122 km from Fazenda Schacht. The nearest lake Lago Mirian is 97 km away. The nearest beach IFRS - Campus Caxias do Sul is 170 km away. The nearest museum Museu histórico Antonio Granemann de Souza is 61 km away. The nearest park Reserva Particular do Patrimônio Natural Caetezal is 222 km away. The nearest castle Castelo Belvedere is 145 km away. The nearest city Correia Pinto is 23 km away.

Nearest airports
Nearest hospitals