Map of Pronto Socorro Munivipal

Here is the location map of Pronto Socorro Munivipal.

Where is located Pronto Socorro Munivipal?

Hospital is located in Monte Carmelo, Microrregião Patrocínio, Mesorregião Triângulo Mineiro/Alto Paranaiba, Minas Gerais, Southeast Region, Brazil. Pronto Socorro Munivipal is located 2 km from FUCAMP and 161 km from Camping Clube do Brasil. The nearest lake PRV Lagoa 001 is 70 km away. The nearest beach Praia Antonio Saulini is 308 km away. The nearest museum Museu Municipal is 20 km away. The nearest park Estação Ecológica do Noroeste Paulista is 311 km away. The nearest castle Palacete Matarazzo is 304 km away. The nearest city Monte Carmelo is 1 km away.

Nearest airports
Nearest hospitals