Map of Puesto de Salud Barrio Obrero

Here is the location map of Puesto de Salud Barrio Obrero.

Where is located Puesto de Salud Barrio Obrero?

Hospital is located in Pedro Juan Caballero, Amambay, Región Oriental, Brazil. Puesto de Salud Barrio Obrero is located 3 km from Catolica and 179 km from Pousada do Peralta. The nearest lake Lagoa Indaia is 98 km away. The nearest beach Praia da Figueira is 167 km away. The nearest museum Museu Cultural Kadiwéu is 175 km away. The nearest park Refúgio Binacional de Mbaracaju is 220 km away. The nearest castle Castelletto Dal Pozzo is 348 km away. The nearest city Aral Moreira is 45 km away.

Nearest airports
Nearest hospitals