Map of Uruçuí

Here is the location map of Uruçuí.

Where is located Uruçuí?

City is located in Northeast Region, Brazil. Uruçuí is located 7 km from Instituto Federal do Piauí - Campus Uruçuí and 376 km from Iate Clube. The nearest lake Lagoa da Malícia is 122 km away. The nearest beach Praínha is 207 km away. The nearest museum Museu de Arte Sacra is 269 km away. The nearest park Área de Proteção Ambiental Dunas e Veredas do Baixo-Médio São Francisco is 396 km away. The nearest castle Colegio das irmães is 685 km away. The nearest city Loreto is 66 km away.

Nearest airports
Nearest hospitals