Map of Goiabal

Here is the location map of Goiabal.

Where is located Goiabal?

City is located in São Paulo, Southeast Region, Brazil. Goiabal is located 17 km from Universidade Braz Cubas - Campus de Mecânica de Precisão and 20 km from Mirante do Paraíso. The nearest lake Lago Interlagos is 23 km away. The nearest beach Praia de Guaratuba is 47 km away. The nearest museum Estação Guararema is 6 km away. The nearest park Parque Estadual da Serra do Mar - Núcleo Santa Virgínia is 91 km away. The nearest castle Fortaleza de Itaipu is 81 km away. The nearest city Jardim Parateí is 7 km away.

Nearest airports
Nearest hospitals