Map of Hospital Isalra Chácara

Here is the location map of Hospital Isalra Chácara.

Where is located Hospital Isalra Chácara?

Hospital is located in Ibirapuã, Microrregião de Porto Seguro, Mesorregião do Sul Baiano, Bahia, Northeast Region, Brazil. Hospital Isalra Chácara is located 113 km from Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo and 92 km from Camping da Vila. The nearest lake Hidrelétrica da Vereda is 68 km away. The nearest beach Dunas de Itaúnas is 92 km away. The nearest museum Centro de Visitantes e Lanchonete is 163 km away. The nearest park Ilha das Andorinhas is 108 km away. The nearest castle Portal is 315 km away. The nearest city Nanuque is 30 km away.

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