Map of Portal do Roncador

Here is the location map of Portal do Roncador.

Where is located Portal do Roncador?

Camping is located in Barra do Garças, Microrregião do Médio Araguaia, Mesorregião Nordeste de Mato-Grosso, Mato Grosso, Central-West Region, Brazil. Portal do Roncador is located 64 km from UFMT Araguaia and 260 km from CAMPING MUNICIPAL. The nearest lake Lago Pôr do Sol is 168 km away. The nearest beach Praia is 65 km away. The nearest museum Museu Casa do Artesão is 228 km away. The nearest park Parque Estadual Gruta da Lagoa Azul is 420 km away. The nearest castle Castelinho com fosso is 672 km away. The nearest city Aragarças is 65 km away.

Nearest airports
Nearest hospitals