Australia Driving Distance Calculator

Road Mileage Chart of Australia

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Air Mileage Chart of Australia

Distance (kilometers)
Gold Coast
Brisbane 3,607 71 947 619 1,436 1,790 1,111 1,390 106 2,848 1,643 1,320 1,412 3,619
Perth 3,607 3,627 3,087 3,357 2,673 3,011 3,395 3,442 3,503 2,654 2,962 2,654 2,623 66
Gold Coast 71 3,627 908 570 1,408 1,743 1,181 1,461 152 2,912 1,599 1,296 1,387 3,637
Canberra 947 3,087 908 361 528 857 1,798 2,070 902 3,134 704 463 532 3,082
Newcastle 619 3,357 570 361 887 1,174 1,598 1,880 597 3,117 1,031 806 885 3,358
Geelong 1,436 2,673 1,408 528 887 583 2,115 2,365 1,374 3,156 436 155 79 2,661
Hobart 1,790 3,011 1,743 857 1,174 583 2,628 2,891 1,754 3,737 162 729 661 2,988
Townsville 1,111 3,395 1,181 1,798 1,598 2,115 2,628 283 1,061 1,868 2,467 1,962 2,056 3,427
Cairns 1,390 3,442 1,461 2,070 1,880 2,365 2,891 283 1,343 1,681 2,730 2,211 2,304 3,479
Toowoomba 106 3,503 152 902 597 1,374 1,754 1,061 1,343 2,765 1,604 1,251 1,345 3,515
Darwin 2,848 2,654 2,912 3,134 3,117 3,156 3,737 1,868 1,681 2,765 3,591 3,017 3,077 2,713
Launceston 1,643 2,962 1,599 704 1,031 436 162 2,467 2,730 1,604 3,591 575 514 2,942
Bendigo 1,320 2,654 1,296 463 806 155 729 1,962 2,211 1,251 3,017 575 97 2,645
Ballarat 1,412 2,623 1,387 532 885 79 661 2,056 2,304 1,345 3,077 514 97 2,612
Mandurah 3,619 66 3,637 3,082 3,358 2,661 2,988 3,427 3,479 3,515 2,713 2,942 2,645 2,612

Map of Australia with Flight Distances

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Mileage charts of regions in the Australia