Rhineland-Palatinate Driving Distance Calculator

Road Mileage Chart of Rhineland-Palatinate

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Air Mileage Chart of Rhineland-Palatinate

Distance (kilometers)
Ludwigshafen am Rhein
Bad Kreuznach
Landau in der Pfalz
Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler
Mainz 59 120 72 62 41 75 77 101 34 89 106 76 79 102
Ludwigshafen am Rhein 59 133 49 115 18 127 18 68 58 38 82 85 130 151
Trier 120 133 88 95 124 95 138 93 88 123 77 48 93 94
Kaiserslautern 72 49 88 102 48 112 50 29 45 36 36 44 114 131
Coblenza 62 115 95 102 97 12 130 128 60 133 124 74 17 40
Worms 41 18 124 48 97 109 36 73 42 51 84 76 113 134
Neuwied 75 127 95 112 12 109 142 137 71 144 132 81 5 28
Espira 77 18 138 50 130 36 142 61 71 26 78 92 145 166
Pirmasens 101 68 93 29 128 73 137 61 74 37 19 61 139 154
Bad Kreuznach 34 58 88 45 60 42 71 71 74 73 75 42 74 94
Landau in der Pfalz 89 38 123 36 133 51 144 26 37 73 55 81 146 165
Zweibrücken 106 82 77 36 124 84 132 78 19 75 55 52 132 145
Idar-Oberstein 76 85 48 44 74 76 81 92 61 42 81 52 81 94
Andernach 79 130 93 114 17 113 5 145 139 74 146 132 81 23
Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler 102 151 94 131 40 134 28 166 154 94 165 145 94 23

Map of Rhineland-Palatinate with Flight Distances

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