Valencian Community Driving Distance Calculator

Road Mileage Chart of Valencian Community

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Air Mileage Chart of Valencian Community

Distance (kilometers)
Castellón de la Plana
Puerto de Sagunto
San Vicente del Raspeig
Valencia 125 137 64 106 168 161 58 9 25 7 25 86 116 120
Alicante 125 21 186 38 45 49 73 120 149 128 147 38 30 6
Elche 137 21 200 58 32 29 90 132 161 140 161 52 25 21
Castellón de la Plana 64 186 200 161 230 225 114 71 40 64 39 148 180 182
Benidorm 106 38 58 161 79 87 48 104 127 111 125 35 58 38
Torrevieja 168 45 32 230 79 26 118 163 192 171 192 82 57 49
Orihuela 161 49 29 225 87 26 118 155 186 163 186 79 45 50
Gandía 58 73 90 114 48 118 118 58 80 64 77 39 76 70
Torrent 9 120 132 71 104 163 155 58 31 8 33 82 110 116
Sagunto 25 149 161 40 127 192 186 80 31 24 5 110 141 144
Paterna 7 128 140 64 111 171 163 64 8 24 26 90 118 123
Puerto de Sagunto 25 147 161 39 125 192 186 77 33 5 26 110 141 143
Alcoy 86 38 52 148 35 82 79 39 82 110 90 110 37 34
Elda 116 30 25 180 58 57 45 76 110 141 118 141 37 25
San Vicente del Raspeig 120 6 21 182 38 49 50 70 116 144 123 143 34 25

Map of Valencian Community with Flight Distances

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