Kelantan Driving Distance Calculator

Road Mileage Chart of Kelantan

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Air Mileage Chart of Kelantan

Distance (kilometers)
Kota Bharu
Tanah Merah
Gua Musang
Pasir Mas
Pasir Puteh
Kuala Krai
Gua Musang
Cherang Ruku
Pengkalan Chepa
Kota Bharu 37 142 14 47 20 19 37 11 66 28 129 41 18 8
Tanah Merah 37 105 27 10 31 40 29 43 32 23 93 40 20 43
Gua Musang 142 105 132 95 131 140 117 148 77 120 125 124 148
Pasir Mas 14 27 132 37 25 29 38 17 58 28 117 45 16 22
Temangan 47 10 95 37 38 47 31 54 21 28 84 42 29 53
Kg.Gunong 20 31 131 25 38 9 18 31 54 11 122 21 13 22
Bachok 19 40 140 29 47 9 25 30 63 20 131 24 20 17
Pasir Puteh 37 29 117 38 31 18 25 48 41 10 111 11 22 39
Tumpat 11 43 148 17 54 31 30 48 74 39 134 52 28 14
Kuala Krai 66 32 77 58 21 54 63 41 74 43 70 50 48 72
Selising 28 23 120 28 28 11 20 10 39 43 112 18 12 31
Gua Musang 129 93 117 84 122 131 111 134 70 112 120 113 137
Cherang Ruku 41 40 125 45 42 21 24 11 52 50 18 120 30 41
Ketereh 18 20 124 16 29 13 20 22 28 48 12 113 30 24
Pengkalan Chepa 8 43 148 22 53 22 17 39 14 72 31 137 41 24

Map of Kelantan with Flight Distances

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