Miranda Driving Distance Calculator

Road Mileage Chart of Miranda

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Air Mileage Chart of Miranda

Distance (kilometers)
Santa Teresa
Ocumare del Tuy
Los Teques
Santa Lucía
San Antonio de los Altos
El Marqués
El Hatillo
Santa Teresa 30 23 27 18 39 18 28 6 32 29 24 34 62 109
Guatire 30 51 7 48 57 43 30 23 47 30 32 52 46 98
Cúa 23 51 47 13 26 9 36 29 25 37 30 23 85 130
Guarenas 27 7 47 45 50 38 23 20 40 24 25 45 52 104
Ocumare del Tuy 18 48 13 45 38 17 41 25 35 42 35 35 76 118
Los Teques 39 57 26 50 38 23 29 42 10 29 25 5 99 148
Charallave 18 43 9 38 17 23 26 23 18 28 20 19 80 127
Petare 28 30 36 23 41 29 26 25 19 2 6 25 75 126
Santa Lucía 6 23 29 20 25 42 23 25 33 27 23 37 58 106
San Antonio de los Altos 32 47 25 40 35 10 18 19 33 20 15 5 90 139
El Marqués 29 30 37 24 42 29 28 2 27 20 7 25 76 127
El Hatillo 24 32 30 25 35 25 20 6 23 15 7 20 76 127
Carrizal 34 52 23 45 35 5 19 25 37 5 25 20 94 143
Mamporal 62 46 85 52 76 99 80 75 58 90 76 76 94 53
Cúpira 109 98 130 104 118 148 127 126 106 139 127 127 143 53

Map of Miranda with Flight Distances

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