New South Wales Driving Distance Calculator

Road Mileage Chart of New South Wales

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Air Mileage Chart of New South Wales

Distance (kilometers)
Coffs Harbour
Broken Hill
Canberra 361 498 822 342 224 214 671 584 190 300 799 488 344 720
Newcastle 361 220 480 307 253 212 319 269 186 551 975 130 42 376
Tamworth 498 220 340 255 299 288 227 95 371 578 904 172 198 247
Lismore 822 480 340 589 637 622 166 246 664 916 1,187 354 484 104
Dubbo 342 307 255 589 124 159 481 349 322 328 674 365 266 501
Orange 224 253 299 637 124 47 504 392 209 303 731 350 216 540
Bathurst 214 212 288 622 159 47 481 378 165 340 778 317 177 522
Coffs Harbour 671 319 227 166 481 504 481 141 504 798 1,125 190 328 69
Armidale 584 269 95 246 349 392 378 141 441 674 984 173 260 152
Wollongong 190 186 371 664 322 209 165 504 441 445 920 315 182 560
Griffith 300 551 578 916 328 303 340 798 674 445 501 653 517 826
Broken Hill 799 975 904 1,187 674 731 778 1,125 984 920 501 1,039 934 1,125
Taree 488 130 172 354 365 350 317 190 173 315 653 1,039 146 251
Cessnock 344 42 198 484 266 216 177 328 260 182 517 934 146 380
Grafton 720 376 247 104 501 540 522 69 152 560 826 1,125 251 380

Map of New South Wales with Flight Distances

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