Map of Paudalho

Here is the location map of Paudalho.

Where is located Paudalho?

City is located in Paudalho, Microrregião da Mata Setentrional Pernambucana, Mesorregião da Mata Pernambucana, Pernambuco, Northeast Region, Brazil. Paudalho is located 11 km from Faculdade Luso-Brasileira and 92 km from Holanda. The nearest lake Açude Bicopeba is 10 km away. The nearest beach Maria Farinha is 37 km away. The nearest museum Museu Camaragibe is 25 km away. The nearest park Área de Proteção Ambiental is 251 km away. The nearest castle Castelo de Armas do Instituto Ricardo Brennand is 29 km away. The nearest city Carpina is 11 km away.

Nearest airports
Nearest hospitals